Friday, June 13, 2014

Austin Drug & Alcohol Abuse Program's Assessment can help determine if Intervention is necessary, please call if we can help!

Abusing drugs or alcohol is not necessarily the same as being addicted to them. If people are abusing drugs, it is time to to undergo intervention so that they can stop before they become addicted. 
To determine whether or not you or someone you love is already addicted to drugs, you should look for the following symptoms:
  • Increased tolerance, which leads to increased use to feel the same effects
  • The use of drugs to avoid physical symptoms of withdrawal
  • Uncontrolled use of drugs although you planned not to or even though you want to quit
  • A life that seems too focused on finding drugs, using them and recovering from them
  • The abandonment of activities that you used to enjoy so that you can use drugs instead
  • The continuation of drug use in spite of acknowledging that it is hurting you.

Austin Drug & Alcohol Abuse Program will show how to live one day at a time, are you ready to try something new?

Day by day, your real self can emerged.  I got through unimaginably hard times without my liquid crutch.  More importantly, you learn to navigate everyday life totally present and sober through every emotion: boredom, resentment, anger, sadness, joy, celebration.

Please give Austin Drug & Alcohol Abuse Program a call at 512/454-8180 or visit and let us help.  It's time to try something new, you ready?

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Austin Drug & Alcohol Abuse Program can help with Understanding Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse, please call 512/454-8180.

Alcoholism and alcohol abuse are due to many interconnected factors, including genetics, how you were raised, your social environment, and your emotional health. Some racial groups, such as American Indians and Native Alaskans, are more at risk than others of developing alcohol addiction. People who have a family history of alcoholism or who associate closely with heavy drinkers are more likely to develop drinking problems. Finally, those who suffer from a mental health problem such as anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder are also particularly at risk, because alcohol may be used to self-medicate.

Do you have a drinking problem?

You may have a drinking problem if you...
  • Feel guilty or ashamed about your drinking.
  • Lie to others or hide your drinking habits.
  • Have friends or family members who are worried about your drinking.
  • Need to drink in order to relax or feel better.
  • “Black out” or forget what you did while you were drinking.
  • Regularly drink more than you intended to.
Since drinking is so common in many cultures and the effects vary so widely from person to person, it’s not always easy to figure out where the line is between social drinking and problem drinking. The bottom line is how alcohol affects you. If your drinking is causing problems in your life, you have a drinking problem.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Please call Austin Drug & Alcohol Abuse Program 512/454-8180 if you can relate and need help! Jean G's Story Someone Actually Cared

I gave up hope of ever becoming sober. I decided to drink myself to death. It didn't work.
After destroying my kids' lives and losing our home, car and my job, I became temporarily sober for periods of 6 months or so -- never lasting more than a year on the wagon.
I gave up. There was no reason left to drink -- nothing left to lose -- everything was already gone.
After 12 years of off-and-on-again drinking (mostly on again), I entered treatment for the third time. This time, I had insurance so the facility was a bit up-scale.
Figuring I had a free three-week stay in a place with good food, air conditioning, and friendly counselors, I settled in for a vacation from the hell I'd been living.
At the end of week one, the counselor told me my insurance wouldn't pay for more time there. I figured, 'okay, it's been fun, now they're kicking me out.' I'm familiar with being thrown out.
Then, the counselor told me "we're keeping you, anyway."
Shocked, I decided to enjoy the ride. But, something happened inside me. These people cared. I was more than an insurance payment to them. They kept me three more weeks -- then insisted I continue in out-patient therapy with them, for the entire year.
It has been 10 years since I've had a drink. Someone actually cared enough to help when I could no longer care about myself.
Today, if I even think of alcohol, I remember, with gratitude, the people who stuck their necks out and stayed with me when all hope was gone from my heart.
Please call Austin Drug & Alcohol Abuse Program at 512/454-8180 or visit  We can help and do care and know what you are going through.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Austin Drug & Alcohol Abuse Program can help, please call with any questions 512/454-8180 or visit

Austin Drug & Alcohol Abuse Program has a question: Does the CAGE test apply to you?

The CAGE Test for Alcohol Addiction

This simple test is surprisingly accurate. Answer yes or no to each question.
  1. Have you ever felt you should Cut down on your drinking?
  2. Have you ever been Annoyed when people have commented on your drinking?
  3. Have you ever felt Guilty or badly about your drinking?
  4. Have you ever had an Eye opener first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or get rid of a hangover?
Your score:
Score one point for each yes answer.
If you scored 1, there is an 80% chance you're addicted to alcohol.
If you scored 2, there is an 89% chance you're addicted to alcohol.
If you scored 3, there is a 99% chance you're addicted to alcohol.
If you scored 4, there is a 100% chance you're addicted to alcohol.

Please call Austin Drug & Alcohol Abuse Program is we can help in anyway, 512/454-8180 or visit  You are not alone!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A Reminder from Austin Drug & Alcohol Abuse Program, Austin, Texas -- Prevention is the key!

Early Relapse Prevention
Relapse prevention at this stage means recognizing that you're in emotional relapse and changing your behavior.  Recognize that you're isolating and remind yourself to ask for help.  Recognize that you're anxious and practice relaxation techniques.  Recognize that your sleep and eating habits are slipping and practice self-care.

If you don't change your behavior at this stage and you live too long in the stage of emotional relapse you'll become exhausted, and when you're exhausted you will want to escape, which will move you into mental relapse.

Practice self-care. The most important thing you can do to prevent relapse at this stage is take better care of yourself.  Think about why you use.  You use drugs or alcohol to escape, relax, or reward yourself.  Therefore you relapse when you don't take care of yourself and create situations that are mentally and emotionally draining that make you want to escape.

For example, if you don't take care of yourself and eat poorly or have poor sleep habits, you'll feel exhausted and want to escape.  If you don't let go of your resentments and fears through some form of relaxation, they will build to the point where you'll feel uncomfortable in your own skin.  If you don't ask for help, you'll feel isolated.  If any of those situations continues for too long, you will begin to think about using.  But if you practice self-care, you can avoid those feelings from growing and avoid relapse.  (Reference:  

If you have any questions about our Program or class schedule, please call 512/454-8180 or visit  Thank you.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Austin Drug & Alcohol Abuse Program's FREE Intake Assessment

FREE Drug and Alcohol Assessment

Austin Drug & Alcohol Abuse Program
7801 N. Lamar, Bldg. D, Suite 109
Austin, TX 78752

Other services:
Intensive out-patient - English (Spanish coming soon!)
(days, nights & weekends)
Aftercare - English (Spanish coming soon!)
(accept clients from other programs)
Relapse Prevention
DWI Classes
Insurance accepted
Sliding Fee Scale & payment plans available 
Please call 512/454-8180 or visit for information or questions.